GRSA Tuition Subsidy Policy for a Dearborn Graduate Student
Section: Business and Financial Services
Subject: GSRA/GSI Appointments at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn
Issued by: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Number: 506.2b
Date Revised: 5/30/2013
Rate of Pay
The Dearborn campus elects to pay a Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA) at the same rate of pay as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI); the rate of pay for a GSI will be as specified by the GEO agreement in effect at the time of the appointment.
The Dearborn campus will charge sponsored projects the resident (in-state) tuition and mandatory fees for each Dearborn GSRA or GSI appointment charged to a Dearborn account. The difference between the resident and non-resident tuition charge is
referred to as the tuition differential and is charged to the differential chartcom managed by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For students taking classes in Ann Arbor (either Ann Arbor or Dearborn students), the average tuition amount (as determined by Ann Arbor) will be charged to the Dearborn sponsored project and the difference will be charged to the differential chartcom. The appointment must conform to the GEO collective bargaining agreement (if a GSI) and eligibility criteria and policies of the University of Michigan governing GSRA and GSI appointments
Other Benefits
蹤獲扦 faculty and staff are not permitted to negotiate benefits offered to graduate students. 蹤獲扦 makes available these benefits (salary, medical and dental coverage, and tuition waiver) to all eligible GSRA appointees. Payroll charges (salary and fringe benefits) are charged to accounts in proportion to the effort/distribution of the GSRA/GSI appointment.
Responsibility for Fees
Late appointments (e.g., appointments processed after the effective date of the appointment) may result in the student being assessed a charge for coverage by the health insurance plan for non-GSRA international students; late appointments may also result in late fees. The department or the college will determine if the charge is the responsibility of the student, the department, or the faculty adviser; the
department will notify the responsible party and initiate the necessary transactions to clear the charges to the student account. These fees (e.g., duplicate health insurance coverage, late registration fees, late payment fees caused by charges not covered by the tuition waiver, and library fines) may not be charged to a sponsored project.
The process for appointing a GSRA or GSI depends on the appointment being initiated in a timely manner. These appointments should be processed term-by-term. After the appointment is initiated or extended, Financial Services will transfer tuition charges from the students account to the grant (for the resident tuition and mandatory fees), transfer the differential to an internal account, and leave non-mandatory fees (e.g., late fees and health insurance fees) in the students account for payment by the student (or the academic unit). This final step of the process is usually done after the last date for adding or dropping classes (drop-add).
In accordance with the Universitys policies regarding GSRA/GSI appointments, students must take a minimum of 6 credit hours in Term I and II (fall and winter) and may elect to take fewer credits or no credits during the spring/summer term. Students should be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours prior to drop-add date.
Policy owned by: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs