Proposals for Sponsored Projects

Section: Business and Financial Services
Subject: Proposals for Sponsored Projects
Issued by: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Number: 506.2
Date Revised: 8/28/2024

ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn adheres to (SPG 303.01)
(SPG 303.03), all other institution-wide policies and
procedures outlined in the University of Michigan’s Standard Practice Guide.


The campus process to request, apply for, or receive external funding is overseen by the Dearborn Office of Research. The Director of Research Administration (ORA) is responsible for the management of the process and for administratively approving all proposals prior to forwarding to the U-M Office of Research & Sponsored Projects (ORSP), which holds signatory authority on behalf of all three U-M campuses.

The proposal approval process through eResearch is required for all external funding including grant proposals in support of individual faculty research projects, applications for government grants and contracts, research agreements with industry collaborators, and proposals submitted to a sponsor by another institution where ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn is a subcontractor or subgrantee on the project.

These guidelines are intended to expedite the submission of proposals while improving their success-rate and ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, sponsor guidelines, and University policies governing grants.


The Dearborn Office of Research adheres to , and may not be able to support proposals that do not meet the timeline requirements. As early as possible, proposers must submit a to inform ORA that they intend apply for funding. Refer to the Dearborn Office of Research’s website for more information on the timeline requirements and proposal submission processes.

Approval for proposals is obtained via the Proposal Approval Form (PAF) within U-M’s internal eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system. Each college and department will review and approve the PAF, and each unit is responsible for informing ORA of which individuals in their unit should have reviewing and signing authority for their department or college.

PAF signatures of the Chair/Department Head and Dean/Higher Administrative Authority (or their designees) indicate approval and endorsement of
1. the scientific or programmatic content, methods, and design being proposed
2. the administrative and financial content of the proposal or application

Approval of the following are implicit in an approver’s signature of the PAF:
a. All personnel of the approving unit involved in the proposal have approval to participate, and it is reasonably expected that they will be able to fulfill the role(s) proposed.
b. The administrative home department affirms PI/PD is capable of exercising reasonable care and judgment in the performance of fiscal and administrative duties required for the proposed project. 
c. The department can protect the levels of effort proposed for their faculty, and the costs of this effort are reasonably estimated in the proposal.

a. The resources, commitments, and administrative details described to carry out the proposed activity have been reviewed and can be provided by the unit.
b. The obligations and commitments described in the proposal are within the department/college’s capacity to support in accordance with University and sponsor policies. 
c. Sufficient department administrative support to conform to sound business practices and to carry out the proposed project can be provided by the unit.
d. The department/college can provide space as indicated (or a reasonable equivalent) for the proposed project period.

The Director of Research Administration approves finalized PAFs on behalf of campus, indicating that all units have appropriately reviewed and approved the proposed activity, and the final proposal/application package is complete and ready for submission to the sponsor. Proposals that are not final (i.e., complete and ready for submission to the sponsor with no additional changes) will not be approved.

Questions related to external grants and contracts may be directed to the Office of Research
[email protected].