Academic Petitions

Requests for Exceptions to Academic Policy or Requirements

Please see the entry in the Undergraduate Catalog for the University's official policy statement on petitions.

The petition process allows a student to formally request an exception to a policy or requirement. Generally, exceptions to policy are not made unless extenuating circumstances are present and supporting documentation exists.  A standard form is completed and submitted along with all supporting documents.  Once a petition is reviewed, it becomes a part of the student’s permanent file. 

The online petition form and additional important information can be found here.


The documentation necessary for petitions can vary.  In all cases, your documentation must be official and must corroborate your justification.  The dates and other details must be consistent with the information provided in your justification. If you have questions about appropriate documentation, please schedule an appointment with a CASL advisor.

If you are requesting evaluation of transfer credit, it is preferable that you submit a copy of the course syllabus.  If you cannot obtain a copy of the syllabus, you should submit copies of your exams and course materials, a copy of the title page and table of contents from the textbook(s) used in the course, and/or the course description from the college catalog. However, in most cases, only a syllabus will give faculty the information they need to make a decision.

Documentation for Incomplete Extensions

If you meet the criteria to petition for an extension of the standard Incomplete deadline, in addition to documentation required by the Incomplete policy, you must submit the following: 

  • A comprehensive list of items left to complete
  • A plan and timeline for completion of the outstanding items
  • Documentation that your professor has reviewed and approves of the list and plan/timeline

The full Incomplete policy can be found in the

Advising and Academic Success

1039 - College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128