Majors and Minors

A Wealth of Programs

The College of Engineering and Computer Science is a leader in providing undergraduate programs in an environment integrated with engineering practice, research, and continuing professional education, in close partnership with the industrial community.

CECS offers a variety of engineering degrees, across four departments. Students also have the opportunity to earn dual degrees, concurrent degrees, and minor concentrations.

Students who were “undecided” when admitted must choose and declare their major upon attaining 45 credits. Students who want to change majors must meet department GPA requirements to be accepted.

Curriculum requirements and course sequences for each CECS major are on the Office of Advising and Academic Success web pages.

Bachelor of Science (BS) Programs

Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) Programs

Dual Degrees

The CECS dual degrees listed below require only 15-17 credit hours of additional course work.

Students may obtain two degrees, one from CECS and one from another academic unit (e.g., CIS and Economics) by being admitted to the two programs and completing each of them.  Dual degrees require a minimum of 30 additional credit hours.

Concurrent Degrees

Students can obtain a concurrent degree for an additional 15 credit hours of upper-level mathematics courses. These require a primary major in engineering or computer science and must be earned at the same time.

Minor Programs

CECS currently offers three minor programs. While minors are not required, students may choose one if they wish. There are several minors available through the other three colleges.


Undergraduate Certificate in Practical Aspects of Computer Security (PACS)

The PACS undergraduate certificate will provide students with essential computer science concepts, basic security principles, and the tools and experience necessary for an entry-level position in IT-Security.  This certificate provides a foundational knowledge in computer security principles, firewalls, malware, intrusion detection, physical security, wireless network security, mobile device security, social network security, and web application security.

Program Educational Objectives

The educational goal of the PACS certificate is to provide students with essential computer science concepts, basic security principles, and the tools and experience necessary for an entry-level position in IT-Security.