Our Faculty

Department of Health and Human Services Faculty

HHS faculty are committed to excellence in teaching, research and service. Our faculty have varied academic backgrounds and earned doctoral degrees in a range of fields including health management and policy, social work, research methods, public health and more. HHS faculty are dedicated classroom teachers. In addition, their research is focused on the relationships between important health outcomes and such complex determinants as income inequality, race/ethnicity, sex and gender, lifestyle and behavior, as well as aspects of our social and physical environment.

Lisa Martin

Chair, Department of Health and Human Services; Professor of Health and Human Services; Director of Women's and Gender Studies; Professor of Women's and Gender Studies

Finn Bell

Assistant Professor of Human Services

Anda Botoseneanu

Professor, Health Policy Studies

China Cargile

HHS LEO Lecturer I, Social Work

Ahlam El Yaman

HHS LEO Lecturer Intermittent, Health IT and Economics of Healthcare

Tammy Grace

HHS LEO Lecturer II, Health IT

Samantha Hallman

HHS LEO Lecturer II, Health and Human Services

Mouhanad Hammami

LEO Intermittent Lecturer

Kaitlyn Harder

HHS LEO Lecturer II, Healthcare Law

Vitalis Im

Assistant Professor of Health and Human Services

Leonardo Kattari

Assistant Professor of Health & Human Services

Shazia Khan

HHS LEO Lecturer II, Health Policy

Grace Helms Kotre

HHS LEO Lecturer II, Stress Management

Dianne May

HHS LEO Lecturer II, Program Planning

Bonnie McIntosh

HHS LEO Lecturer II, Personal Health

Michael Montgomery

HHS LEO Intermittent, Fundraising and Grant Writing

Ashley Oteney

HHS LEO Lecturer II, Child Life

Michelle Proctor

HHS LEO Intermittent Lecturer, Program Evaluation

Kristal Reyes

HHS LEO Intermittent Lecturer, Social Work

Natalie Sampson

Associate Professor, Public Health

Linda Sorensen

HHS LEO Lecturer II, Information Science

April Wendling

HHS LEO Lecturer I, Epidemiology

Yiwan Ye

Assistant Professor of Health & Human Services

College of Education, Health, and Human Services

262 (2nd Floor) - Fairlane Center South
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126