Collegiate Lectureship Award

Collegiate Lectureship Overview & Past Recipients

The Collegiate Lecturer Program is designed to recognize exceptional lecturers. The award is given to lecturers whose teaching record illustrates: (1) excellence in the classroom and the revitalization of courses and curriculum; (2) interaction with students as a mentor, advisor, or group participant; (3) professional growth as a teacher; and (4) commitment to undergraduate or graduate education.Up to two awards will be given annually. One award is reserved for a Lecturer II, the other for a Lecturer IV.

2025 Award Recipients, Judy Nesmith and Geraldine Pappas

Judy Nesmith, Teaching Professor in Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters is a recipient of the 2025 Collegiate Lectureship Award.


Geraldine Pappas, Lecturer IV in Reading, Department of Education, College of Education, Health, and Human Services is a recipient of the 2025 Collegiate Lectureship Award.

Office of the Provost

1080 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-593-5030