Published Data (IPEDS, CDS, etc.)
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a system of survey components that collects data from about 7,500 institutions across the United States. The purpose of this report is to provide institutional executives a useful resource and to help improve the quality and comparability of IPEDS data.
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports present institutional data in a way that also allows for comparison to other institutions. These reports give a context for peer analysis showing areas in which we excel and areas that may need development. In the annual IPEDS Data Feedback Reports, survey data figures are placed side-by-side to allow for a helpful visual and statistical comparison. The data in these reports are "provisional" and may change within the first year following submission of data.
IPEDS collects institution level data on topics such as:
- Student enrollment
- Graduation rates
- Student charges
- Program completions
- Faculty
- Staff
- Finances
Common Data Set (CDS)
The (CDS) is a collaborative data collection effort initiated by the College Board, Peterson's, and US News and World Report.
Common Data Sets include useful information such as:
Enrollment Counts
Graduation Rates
Retention Rates
Admission Information
SAT and ACT score distribution
Student Life data
Faculty and class sizes
Degrees and CIP codes