Schedule of Recurring Surveys
The Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness administers various surveys either annually or according to a set schedule. Below is the schedule for all institutional surveys and assessments coordinated by our office or our campus partners which details when the survey occurs, who administers the survey, which population on campus being surveyed, and the purpose of the survey.
Survey or Assessments: | Schedule: | Reporting Unit: | Population Measured: | Purpose/Use of Data: |
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) | Every Three Years: (Winter 2017, Winter 2020, Winter 2022, Winter 2025) | Institutional Research | First-Year Students & Seniors | Strategies that address campus environment, advising, diversity, and student-faculty interaction |
Student Satisfaction Inventory | Every Three Years: (Spring 2018, Fall 2022, Winter 2026) | Institutional Research | All Students | Strategies that address student centeredness, campus climate, advising, instructional effectiveness, service to students, safety |
Graduating Student Survey | Annually | Career Services | Graduating Seniors | Strategies that address career outcomes and post-graduation employment |
Student Experience and Needs Survey | Every Fall | The Hub for Teaching and Learning | All Students | Strategies that address student experience related to course modalities |
Dearborn Support Survey | Every Fall and Winter | Student Affairs | Targeted groups of undergraduate students | Strategies that address student support needs |
Re-enrollment Survey | Every Fall and Winter | Enrollment Management and Institutional Research | Undergraduate students who have not yet enrolled for the upcoming term | Strategies that address why students are not re-enrolling |
Dearborn Discovery Core, General Education Assessment | 5 year cycle: (2015-2018 data collection, 2018-2019 evaluation and recommendations, 2019-2020 implementing revisions, closing the loop) | DDC Designated Courses | Students under DDC requirements | Strategies that address general education curriculum and learning outcomes |
Academic Program Assessment | Continuously (reports submitted biennially) | All degree granting programs | All students | Strategies that address continuous course, program, and curriculum improvement |
Co-Curricular Assessment | Annually | Co-Curricular Units | Students participating in co-curriculars | Strategies that address continuous program, unit, and learning outcomes improvement |
Descriptions and Data
The following listing of surveys administered by the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness provides descriptions and data related to each.
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) annually collects information at hundreds of universities and colleges about student participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development. The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college.
To learn more about .
To learn how to use results and findings from our administered NSSE surveys in support of accreditation efforts, read that was designed specifically for institutions reporting to the .
2022 Data
- (survey questions and results)
- (topical module)
- (topical module)
2020 Data
- (survey questions and results)
2017 Data
- (survey questions and results)
- (topical module)
- (topical module)
2015 Data
- (survey questions and results)
2014 Data
- (survey questions and results)
2011 Data
- (survey questions and results)
2007 Data
- (survey questions and results)
Survey Dashboards
To make diagnostic data more available to the campus community the Office of IRE, in collaboration with various other offices, have developed Tableau Dashboards for results of targeted surveys. The surveys require that you have Tableau access. To obtain Tableau access and/or training please reference the Tableau Training & Access section of the IRE Tableau Internal webpage.
Using Qualtrics for Surveys
Faculty, staff, and students have access to Qualtrics survey software by using your UNIQname and password. To get started, visit
If you need software support, the Qualtrics Team can be reached by calling the Ann Arbor HelpDesk at (734) 764-HELP (734-764-4357).