Academic Resources and Classroom Management

Academic Program and Course Development

Looking to develop a new academic course or program? Find all of the information you need in the Important Pedagogical and Academic Practices and Policies to Consider

Undertaking any curriculum change activity (e.g., course change, major change, etc.) should initially include a conversation about how learning outcomes are demonstrated or measured in your courses and degree programs. Learning goals by major can be found on the Program Goals and Reports page.

When beginning the process of assessing one’s courses and/or major, we recommend faculty consider every curriculum change through the lens of their major’s learning outcomes or, put another way, ask “what is being asked of students to learn or what do you want them to get out of their journey through your program?” Faculty can take advantage of the Assessment Subcommittee and its supports by contacting the Assessment Subcommittee chair or the Academic Success Director Jessica LaGrange. 

Dearborn Discovery Core

The campus-wide general education program (known as the Dearborn Discovery Core) at the University of Michigan-Dearborn is designed to complement work in a student's chosen area of study. These classes serve as a means of discovery for students, providing a foundation for learning, connecting to potential new areas of interest and building tools for success in whatever field a student pursues. Learning outcomes are guided by the qualities every student should develop as they move toward graduating with a University of Michigan-Dearborn degree. 

Definition of the Credit Hour

The University of Michigan-Dearborn has adopted a credit hour standard for all classes based on the U.S. Department of Education's definition of a credit hour. More information on what a credit hour consists of. 

Disability and Accessibility Services Resources for Faculty

The University strives to make learning accessible for all. If you anticipate or experience academic accessibility barriers based on your disability, please contact Disability and Accessibility Services (DAS) to discuss potential accommodations. Students will need to register with DAS each semester they are enrolled as soon as they have their schedule for the term. DAS can be reached at 313-593-5310 or [email protected].

Disruptive Student Behavior

When disruptive behavior occurs in the class, the instructor shall make reasonable effort to address the disruption with the student, preferably in private. Toward that end, the instructor and student may consult with Ombuds Services, the Dean of Students, the department chair, or other University offices to discuss ways to resolve the situation informally at any time during the process set forth in the

Office of the Provost

1080 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-593-5030