Student Learning and Outcomes Assessment

Assessment types

The Office of the Provost provides resources and consultation services for faculty in relation to all aspects of assessing or evaluating student learning and growth. 

Throughout these pages, you will find helpful information about assessment practices on campus, resources for assessing student learning, and tips on assessment overall. 

Three Types of Assessment:

  • Program Assessment is a biennial process that gives programs the opportunity to choose what learning outcomes they would like to measure to promote program improvement. All degree or credential granting programs must engage in Program Assessment (including BA, BS, MS/MA, DENG, PhD, EDD, and Certificates). 
  • Dearborn Discovery Core Assessment is a campus-wide assessment strategy meant to evaluate how well DDC (Gen Ed) is meeting the learning goals of all of our students. 
  • Co-Curricular Assessment is an annual process that gives programs the opportunity to assess student learning across the full college experience, including co-curricular activities.

All types of assessment are guided by the UCDC Assessment Subcommittee.

Office of the Provost

1080 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-593-5030