Success at Dearborn for Faculty and Staff
Helping you help your students.
Below are resources to support faculty and staff in and out of the classroom in teaching and learning, data driven decisions, and student success.
Teaching and Learning

These resources and opportunities support curricular and co-curricular innovation for 蹤獲扦-Dearborn faculty and staff.
The purpose of assessment is to evaluate how your program aligns with learning goals that detail the concepts and skills that students should know and be able to demonstrate. Find all of the information and resources you need on our Assessment webpage.
Explore the resources, best practices, and workshop materials available to support programs through the program review process.
Faculty and staff across the university have created modules about topics like campus resources, research guides, and online learning. To find and import the modules into your course shell - search the following titles in Canvas Commons:
- Academic and Student Success Resources: This module has a list of Academic Success Resources such as Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, the Learning Centers, and more. With links to each program's websites for easy access and a short description about each, this module guides students to helpful campus resources. Note, all support services will be held remotely this semester.
- Series of Modules on Remote Student Learning from Mardigian Library (available August 26): Import any or all of the following modules to allow students to explore videos on:
- Be Informed
- Canvas Basics
- Time Management
- Academic Integrity
- Campus Resources
- Motivation & Focus
- Meta-Cognition & Active Learning Techniques
The 蹤獲扦-Dearborn Community Read is a campus initiative to instill a joy of learning, critical thinking, interdisciplinary collaboration, and engagement within our community - by coming together through a common, campus read.
The Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system is the software used to edit and create courses and programs. Find training resources, basic instructions, FAQs, relevant links, and contact information on the CIM webpage.
Redesigning curriculum is the reflective and intentional act of creating activities, courses, and programs that lead to desired outcomes for student learning. The Hub is here to help you create your best program.
The Office of Digital Education maintains and supports many digital resources at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn. The office offers one-on-one support as well as various workshops throughout the year for faculty utilizing these resources.
Global Education can help support study abroad, virtual exchange, international partnerships, global learning classroom and curriculum resources, infrastructure development, extracurricular programming, and community networking.
The Hub for Teaching and Learning Resources (often referred to simply as the Hub) serves as a single portal for resources to help faculty explore pedagogical issues and opportunities, enhance curriculum and fully apply assessment practices. The Hub also offers opportunities for grants like the Creative Teaching Fund, LEO Inclusive Teaching Grant, and Assessment Grants.
Asking someone how they pronounce their own name is recommended as there can be a range of dialectical or preferential pronunciations. However, even that can be problematic if the speaker uses sounds or intonation patterns from a language that you are unfamiliar with, which makes it easy to mishear or mispronounce what was spoken. Name Pronunciation Guides hopes to provide some help in pronouncing names that you might be unfamiliar with.
Data Driven Decisions

Dashboards and platforms allow you to access data needed to make the most informed choices that will best serve your students.
The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness uses various methods to ensure data is available to the campus community and our stakeholders.
This is available to those who are currently in the Program Review process. To access the dashboard, please login by clicking the link or through Web Focus.
Student Success

Campus resources for students to get the help they need to succeed inside and outside of the classroom.
Academic advising is available to provide students with information about program requirements, policies, procedures, and other campus resources. Visit the Academic Advising page to find out more information on how to see an advisor.
Do your students need some additional help outside of office hours? Check out these academic tools for success or sign-up for tutoring services.
You can also find links to the Learning Centers from this site.
Disability and Accessibility Service (DAS) collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to create usable, equitable, inclusive, and sustainable learning environments. There may be times when there are aspects of the instruction or design of courses result in barriers to inclusion or to accurate assessment of achievement. When that is the case, Disability Services will work with you to arrange for accommodations.
In addition to the Office of Career Services, which supports students with resume writing, mock interviews, career fairs and events, and more, each college also has a dedicated internship, co-op or field placement office to help you as you seek to gain practical skills and experience. Learn more about internships, co-ops and career-related support and opportunities at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn.
Major maps are a great way for students to view a plan of how to complete their program and engage in opportunities that will help them succeed (view an ). To submit a request for the creation of a new major map, please fill out this . For questions regarding editing a current major map, please contact McKenna Maurino ([email protected]).
offers in person or online to access a variety of research resources, including specific to your students' area of study. Students can also , , to find the resources they need to succeed and more.
The Office of the Provost has compiled resources offered across the university to support student success both in and out of the classroom. Check out Success@Dearborn for all your academic success needs!
Related News and Infographics

We have created resources, in collaboration with faculty and staff, to cultivate new ideas and share out information about the great initiatives happening across campus.
The Hub publishes regularly that reflect material that is covered in their workshops, research that they are reading (or publishing), and cool online tools and open educational resources.
The Success Press is an electronic newsletter shared each semester that shines the spotlight on academic and student success accomplishments on campus.
Since 2016, the Provost Office, colleges, and campus partners have been operating in partnership under a Student Success Strategic Plan to plan, implement, and track initiatives that will enhance our students' success. The items listed on this page are just some of initiatives and opportunities that represent the strategic goals outlined in the plan.
Office of the Provost
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128