Grades and Grading Processes
Final grades are submitted through Faculty Grade Entry. Requirements to utilize web grading include a uniqname login and assignment as course Primary Instructor.
System Hours of Operation
Sunday-Saturday, 6:00 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.
Grade Entry
If you have questions or concerns with the online grade entry, please contact the Office of the Registrar by email at [email protected].
1. Access Faculty Grade Entry
2. All current and previous courses to which you are assigned will be displayed. Courses will initially display in chronological order (oldest to most recent). You can reverse this order by clicking on the word TERM. The most recent courses will then appear near the top of your list and your current courses will be highlighted in pink. Courses must be gradable, active, and have students enrolled to be displayed. There is also a search function in the upper right-hand corner which can be used to search for a specific course.
- If necessary, you can change the number of courses per page to expand your course list.
- You can also search for a specific course by entering the Subject and Course Number in the Search field (located on the upper right-hand corner).
3. Select the class for which you wish to submit grades. NOTE: If your course does not appear in the list, please contact the Office of the Registrar.
- In the GRADING STATUS column - Click on "Not Started" (or "In Progress" if you have any students with an automatically assigned "W" grade) to open your class roster and enter final grades.
- Your roster will display in alphabetical order. Select a grade from the pull-down menu for each student.
- For large rosters, you will need to select the next page(s) to access the remainder of your roster or you can expand the number of students per page by changing the number per page located at the bottom right-hand corner.
4. Your roster will display in alphabetical order. Select a grade from the pull-down menu for each student.
Last Date of Attendance is required for I and X grades (New Requirement Effective Fall 2023)
When issuing an I or X grade, you will be required to enter the student's last date of attendance in the Last Attend Date field.
If an I or X grade is assigned and you do not take attendance, please provide the student’s last known student engagement in an academically-related activity in the Last Attend Date field. Examples include examinations or quizzes, tutorials, computer-assisted instruction, academic conferences, completing an assignment, paper, or project, and attending a study group required by the university where attendance is taken.
- The Attend Hours field is not used and no information should be entered in the field
- DO NOT leave a grade blank. Enter a grade for each student on the roster.
- Use the format MM/DD/YYYY for entering Last Attend Date
Last Date of Attendance is required for failing grades
For students who receive a failing grade and were in attendance through the last class of the term, the last date of classes is the appropriate date to enter in the Last Attend Date column on the online grade sheet.
If a student receives a failing grade, please enter the student’s last date of attendance in the Last Attend Date field.
If an E, ED, F, NC, U, or UE is assigned and you do not take attendance, please provide the student’s last known student engagement in an academically-related activity in the Last Attend Date field. Examples include examinations or quizzes, tutorials, computer-assisted instruction, academic conferences, completing an assignment, paper, or project, and attending a study group required by the university where attendance is taken.
If attendance cannot be documented through attendance or academic-related event, you must report that student as never attended. Use the first date of the term as the student’s last date of attendance.
- The Attend Hours field is not used and no information should be entered in the field
- DO NOT leave a grade blank. Enter a grade for each student on the roster.
- Use the format MM/DD/YYYY for entering Last Attend Date
5. When finished entering grades, click the Save button. Look for the message “The changes you made were saved successfully”, this means your grades have been received. If you see a warning message, make any necessary corrections and click the Save button again. Please remember to save often. There is a 30-minute timeout for inactivity. You will lose any grade entries that have not been submitted if the system is allowed to timeout.
6. If you have additional courses, repeat steps 1-5.
7. When finished with all course grading, sign out in the upper right corner of the screen.
Submitted grades are rolled at 3:00 p.m. daily. Once a grade is rolled, grade changes must be made using the .
Grade Import
The import function is used to upload grades from a spreadsheet.
- Access Faculty Grade Entry
- All current and previous courses to which you are assigned will be displayed. Courses must be gradable, active, and have students enrolled to be displayed. Current courses will be listed on the bottom of the course list and will be highlighted in pink. There is also a search function in the upper right-hand corner which can be used to search for a specific course.
- Select the class for which you wish to submit grades. NOTE: If your course does not appear in the list, please contact the Office of the Registrar.
- Once you have clicked on the desired class roster, click the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner. Here you have the option to Export Template to enter grades and then import into the system or Import a completed list of grades.
- If you select Export Template, you can find the Excel file template in your Downloads. Complete the file with the missing grades and save it
- If you have an existing spreadsheet of grades, you may use that instead if you rename the titles on your file to match those on the template. Save the file.
- To Import a completed file, whether it is your personal file or you used the Export Template, click the gear icon and click Import. Browse to find your file and select Upload and Continue.
- After clicking Continue, you will receive a Preview of the file you are importing. Notice the checkbox to select, My Spreadsheet has headers.
Grade Submission Dates
Faculty Online Grading Timeline | ||
Term | Faculty Online Grading Opens | Final Grades Due |
Summer Half-Term I 2024 | Monday, June 24, 2024 | Friday, June 28, 2024 |
Summer Full & Half-Term II 2024 | Monday, August 19, 2024 | Monday, August 26, 2024 |
Fall 2024 | Monday, December 16, 2024 | Monday, December 23, 2024 |
Winter 2025 | Monday, April 21, 2025 | Monday, April 28, 2025 |
Summer Half-Term I 2025 | Monday, June 23, 2025 | Friday, June 27, 2025 |
Summer Full & Half-Term II 2025 | Monday, August 18, 2025 | Monday, August 25, 2025 |
Fall 2025 | Wednesday, December 10, 2025 | Friday, December 19, 2025 |
Winter 2026 | Friday, April 24, 2026 | Monday, May 4, 2026 |
Grade Processes
Grade Change
Complete and submit a .
I and X Grades
The deadlines for completion of I (Incomplete) and X (Missed Final Exam) grades will be established by the academic unit owning the course, not the individual student’s academic unit. Both the I and the X remain permanently on the transcript. The can be sent to the Office of the Registrar at [email protected].
Last Date of Attendance
**New Requirement**
Effective Fall 2023, Last Date of Attendance is required for I or X grades. Please refer to the Grade Entry Instructions.
Last Date of Attendance FAQs
Frequently asked questions about the last date of attendance.
The instructor of the course. In most, if not all cases, the instructor is the only person at the institution who can document whether a student attended class or participated in an academically-related activity. The instructor(s) of a course is the only person(s) who can access and record this information on the Final Grade Entry page in Faculty Self-Service.
No – Regular class attendance is expected of all students.
E, F, NC, UE, U, ED, I and X.
If one of the above grades is assigned and you do not take attendance, please provide the student’s last known student engagement in an academically-related activity. Examples include:
- examinations or quizzes
- tutorials
- computer-assisted instruction
- academic conferences
- completing an academic assignment, paper or project
- attending a study group required by the university where attendance is taken
If attendance cannot be documented through actual attendance records or through an academically-related event, you must report that student as never attended. Use the first date of the term as the student’s last date of attendance.
When ‘early-‘, ‘mid-‘, and ‘late-month’ are the most accurate remembered description of a student’s last dates of attendance, please use the 1st, 15th, and 28th for the posted last date of attendance.
Unfortunately, this cannot be electronically corrected in our Student Information System once grades are rolled. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid at [email protected] with the following information: student name, ID, term, course, and correct last date of attendance.
A student who has officially dropped or withdrew from a course will appear on the roster with a grade of ‘W’—you will not be able to change this grade. If a ‘W’ does not display, then the student has not officially withdrawn and a final grade should be entered.
Yes. You should make this indication in the comments field on the Supplementary Grade Report form.
Office of the Registrar
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128