Armenian Diaspora Survey - Michigan

In 2020 the Armenian Research Center partnered with the Armenian Diaspora Survey (ADS) to conduct a survey with the established and newly forming Armenian communities in Metro Detroit, Ann Arbor and Lansing areas.
Initially planned for Fall 2020, the ADS-Michigan was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Nagorno-Karabakh. The ADS-Michigan resumed in Spring 2022 and was brought to a successful conclusion at the end of July 2022.
The ADS-Michigan was conducted by using the following methods:
- Quantitative questionnaires comprised of 45-50 questions (about 20-30 minutes long)
- Face-to-face confidential interviews with select members of the Armenian community
The ADS questionnaire was available in four languages English, Eastern Armenian, Western Armenian, and Russian online and in paper formats. The interviews were conducted in English, Armenian, and Russian based on the respondents language abilities and desires.
The initial findings of the ADS in Michigan were presented in two events, hosted by the ARC on November 21, 2023 and April 14, 2024.

About the Armenian Diaspora Survey
Led by academics, researchers, and experts, the Armenian Diaspora Survey (ADS) aims at providing a snapshot of the contemporary Armenian diaspora. The works closely with an in designing the qualitative and quantitative tools of data collection and analysis, as well as in selecting the survey communities.
For each of the locations, the ADS team creates a local advisory committee, comprised of local academics, researchers and experts, who help with the organization and implementation of the survey in each location. In each location, the ADS also hires a survey manager and a qualitative researcher who work part-time for several weeks to complete surveys and interviews.
The ADS is sponsored by the Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, and implemented under the auspices of the Armenian Institute, London.
For further details consult .
Armenian Diaspora Surveys and Publications
The Armenian Diaspora Survey Pilot Project was conducted in 2018, which included four communities: Boston, MA, Pasadena, CA, Cairo (Egypt) and Marseille (France).
The Pilot Project helped the ADS Team and the Academic Advisory Committee to refine the questionnaire and methodology, and embark on the survey in four other locations in 2019: Argentina, Canada (Montreal), Romania, and Lebanon.
The second round of surveys were conducted in 2021 in Brussels (Belgium), London (UK), Paris (France), and Rostov-on-Don (Russia).
The final, third round of the ADS was conducted in May-July 2022, in North America, with a particular focus on California, Michigan, New York, New Jersey in the United States and Ontario in Canada.
The Armenian Diaspora Study: The Pilot Project Panel Discussion , March 19, 2019
On March 19, 2019 the ARC held a panel discussion on the Pilot Project of the Armenian Diaspora Survey. Dr. Susan Pattie, the director of the ADS Pilot Project, and ARC's Dr. Vahe Sahakyan, who is also a member of the ADS Academic Advisory Committee and was the ADS qualitative researcher in the 2018 Boston team, presented the preliminary findings of the ADS and participated in the panel, chaired by ARC Director Ara Sanjian.

Privacy Policy
As partner organization, the ARC complies with the policies developed by the ADS and the Armenian Institute in London. For more details, consult and . If you have further questions about the policy or the ADS in general you can direct them to the ADS Fieldwork Team.