
The ARC houses collections of issues from more than 600 periodical series predominantly in the Armenian language, but also in English and other languages published by Armenian organizations.
The ARC periodical collection includes academic journals, almanacs, magazines, daily and weekly newspapers, newsletters and bulletins published by Armenian institutions, organizations and publishers in and outside the United States.
Copies of periodicals published by non-Armenian institutions and organizations on subjects relevant to Armenians are also available in our collection. Some examples of this latter category are Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies, Journal of Genocide Research, Genocide Studies and Prevention, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Turkologischer Anzeiger, published by the Institut f眉r Orientalistik der Universit盲t Wein, Information Bulletin, published by the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Dro拧a (Drosha), a publication of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia, the Caucasus Context, a publication of the World Security Institute.
Also included in the ARC periodicals collection are volumes reproduced in Microfilm and Microfiche formats. These items are available for in-building use only.
The ARC has close to complete hard copy sets of the following academic periodicals:
In English:
- Annual of Armenian Linguistics
- Aramazd (Armenian Journal for Near Eastern Studies)
- Armenian Affairs
- Armenian Forum
- Armenian Numismatic Journal
- Armenian Review
- Iran and the Caucasus
- Journal of Armenian Studies
- Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies
- Raft: A journal of Armenian poetry and criticism
In Armenian
- 员咋眨铡眨謤铡寨铡斩 瞻铡斩栅乍战 - Azgagrakan hand膿s
- 圆铡咋沾铡站乍蘸 鈥 Bazmav膿p
- 圆铡斩闸榨謤 諃铡盏铡战湛铡斩斋 铡謤窄斋站斩榨謤斋 謯 Banber Hayastani arkhivneri
- 圆铡斩闸榨謤 缘謤謬铡斩斋 瞻铡沾铡宅战铡謤铡斩斋 鈥 Banber Erevani hamalsarani
- 圆铡斩闸榨謤 談铡湛榨斩铡栅铡謤铡斩斋 鈥 Banber 袦atenadarani
- 怨崭謧謤謩铡眨斋湛铡寨铡斩 謬 謪战沾铡斩铡眨斋湛铡寨铡斩 瞻榨湛铡咋崭湛崭謧诈盏崭謧斩斩榨謤 鈥 T鈥榰rkagitakan ev 艒smanagitakan hetazotut鈥榶unner
- 约謤铡闸榨謤 瞻铡战铡謤铡寨铡寨铡斩 眨斋湛崭謧诈盏崭謧斩斩榨謤斋 謯 Lraber hasarakakan gitutyunneri
- 諃铡盏寨铡咋榨铡斩 瞻铡盏铡眨斋湛铡寨铡斩 瞻铡斩栅乍战 鈥 Haykazean Hayagitakan Hand膿s
- 諃铡斩栅乍战 员沾战謪謤榨铡盏 謯 Hand膿s Ams艒reay
- 諃铡战寨 諃铡盏铡眨斋湛铡寨铡斩 諒铡謤榨眨斋謤謩 鈥 Hask Hayagitakan Taregirk
- 諉崭謤铡站铡斩謩 謯 Noravank
- 諍铡湛沾铡-闸铡斩铡战斋謤铡寨铡斩 瞻铡斩栅榨战 謯 Patma-banasirakan hand械s
- 諑乍沾 諃铡沾铡瞻铡盏寨铡寨铡斩 諃铡斩栅乍战 -Vem Hamahaykakan Hand膿s
In French
- 脡tudes arm茅niennes contemporaines
- Revue des 茅tudes arm茅niennes
Availability and Borrowing
The cataloging of the ARC periodicals is in progress and additional titles will gradually be available for consultation. While most of the ARC periodicals are available in hard copies, we have also many periodicals in microfilm and microfiche. For availability, borrowing requests, or information about duplicates and possible exchanges please contact Gerald Ottenbreit.
Many of the periodicals housed at the ARC were/are published by various Armenian institutions. Lists of the periodicals in the categories below are incomplete and are being periodically updated.
- 员斩铡瞻斋湛&苍产蝉辫;-&苍产蝉辫;础苍补丑颈迟&苍产蝉辫;(Paris, France)
- 员斩栅铡战湛铡斩&苍产蝉辫;-&苍产蝉辫;础苍诲补蝉迟补苍&苍产蝉辫;(Paris, France)
- 员斩斋 - Ani (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 圆铡眨斋斩. 员沾战铡眨斋謤 猿謤铡寨铡斩崭謧诈榨铡斩 榨謧 员謤崭謧榨战湛斋 - Bagin : Amsagir grakanut鈥榚an ew aruesti (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 猿铡謤崭謧斩&苍产蝉辫;-&苍产蝉辫;骋补谤耻苍&苍产蝉辫;(Yerevan, Armenia)
- 猿斋謤 崭謧 猿斋謤謩 - Gir u girk鈥 (New York, NY)
- 苑栈榨謤 眨謤铡寨铡斩崭謧诈榨铡斩 榨謧 铡謤崭謧榨战湛斋 - 膾jer grakanut鈥榚an ew aruesti (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 曰斩謩斩铡眨斋謤 眨謤铡寨铡斩 瞻铡斩栅榨战 - Ink鈥榥agir grakan handes (Yerevan, Armenia)
- 钥铡沾 - Kam (Paris, Montreal, Los Angeles)
- 钥铡沾铡謤 - Kamar (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諃铡斩栅乍战 談辗铡寨崭盏诈斋 鈥 Hand膿s Mshakoyt鈥榠 (Istanbul, Turkey)
- 諃铡盏謤榨斩斋謩 铡沾战铡眨斋謤 - The Hayrenik Monthly (Boston, MA)
- 談榨斩謩 - Menk鈥 (Paris, France)
- 談榨斩謩 - Menk鈥 (Armenian Cultural Association, New York, NY)
- 諉铡謧铡战铡謤栅 - Nawasard (Glendale, CA)
- 諉铡盏斋謤斋 - Nayiri (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諉崭謤 諘謤 - Nor Or (Altadena, CA)
- 諊斋謤铡寨 - Shirak (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諐崭站榨湛铡寨铡斩 眨謤铡寨铡斩崭謧诈盏崭謧斩 - Sovetakan grakanut鈥榶un (Yerevan, Armenia)
- 諐崭站榨湛铡寨铡斩 眨謤铡寨铡斩崭謧诈盏崭謧斩 謬 铡謤站榨战湛 - Sovetakan grakanut鈥榶un ev arvest (Yerevan, Armenia)
- Ani (cahiers arm膿niens) (Paris, France)
- Ararat Quarterly (AGBU, New York, NY)
- 员謧榨湛斋謩. 諍铡辗湛謪斩铡诈榨謤诈 諃铡盏 钥铡诈崭詹斋寨乍 諍铡湛謤斋铡謤謩崭謧诈榨铡斩 - Awetik鈥: Pasht艒nat鈥榚rt鈥 Kat鈥榦ghik膿 Patriark鈥榰t鈥榚an (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諎铡斩铡战榨謤 鈥 Janaser (Chanasser) (Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, Beirut, Lebanon)
- 猿宅铡毡崭謤. 諍铡謤闸榨謤铡诈榨謤诈 钥斋宅斋寨斋崭盏 钥铡诈詹斋寨崭战崭謧诈榨铡斩 源蘸謤榨站铡斩崭謧謥, - Gladzor: Parberat鈥榚rt鈥 Kilikioy Kat鈥榦ghikosut鈥榚an Dprevanuts鈥 (Bikfaya, Lebanon)
- 苑栈沾斋铡债斋斩. 諍铡辗湛謪斩铡寨铡斩 铡沾战铡眨斋謤 员沾榨斩铡盏斩 諃铡盏崭謥 钥铡诈崭詹斋寨崭战崭謧诈榨铡斩 談铡盏謤 员诈崭占崭盏 諐崭謧謤闸 苑栈沾斋铡债斩斋 謯 膾jmiatsin: Pasht艒nakan amsagir Amenayn Hayots鈥 Kat鈥榦ghikosut鈥榚an Mayr At鈥榦r蹋oy Surb 膾jmiatsni (Ejmiatsin, Armenia)
- 缘寨榨詹榨謥斋斩 諃铡盏寨铡寨铡斩. 諍铡謤闸榨謤铡诈榨謤诈 諙謤铡斩战铡盏斋 諃铡盏 钥铡诈崭詹斋寨乍 员占铡栈斩崭謤栅铡謤铡斩斋 謯 L'脡glise Arm茅nienne: Bulletin de l'脡parchie de Sainte-Croix-de-Paris des arm茅niens catholiques de France (Paris, France)
- 缘謤栈铡斩斋寨 諈崭盏战. 諍铡辗湛謪斩铡诈榨謤诈 諃铡盏 员謧榨湛铡謤铡斩铡寨铡斩 諃崭眨榨謧崭謤 缘詹闸铡盏謤崭謧诈榨铡斩 缘寨榨詹榨謥斋斩榨謤崭謧 談斋崭謧诈榨铡斩 謯 Yerchanik Hooys: Offical Organ of the Union of Armenian Brotherhood Churches (Pasadena, CA)
- 约謤铡闸榨謤 諍崭宅战铡瞻铡盏 諍铡湛謤斋铡謤謩崭謧诈榨铡斩 鈥 Lraber Polsahay Patriark鈥榰t鈥榚an (Istanbul, Turkey)
- 钥斋宅斋寨斋铡. 諍铡辗湛謪斩铡诈榨謤诈 员沾榨謤斋寨铡瞻铡盏 员咋眨铡盏斋斩 员占铡栈斩崭謤栅铡謤铡斩斋 鈥 Giligia: Periodical of the Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America (Prelacy of the Armenian Church of America, New York, NY)
- 諃铡战寨. 諍铡辗湛謪斩铡寨铡斩 员沾战铡眨斋謤 钥铡诈崭詹斋寨崭战崭謧诈榨铡斩 諃铡盏崭謥 談榨债斋 諒铡斩斩 钥斋宅斋寨斋崭盏 - Hask: Pasht艒nakan Amsat鈥榚rt鈥 Kat鈥榦ghikosut鈥榚an Hayots鈥 Kilikioy (Antelias, Lebanon)
- 諃铡盏铡战湛铡斩榨铡盏謥 缘寨榨詹榨謥斋. 諍铡辗湛謪斩铡诈榨謤诈 员占铡栈斩崭謤栅铡謤铡斩斋 諃铡盏崭謥 员沾榨謤斋寨铡盏斋 - Hayastanyaitz Yegeghetzy (Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, New York, NY)
- 諐斋崭斩. 諍铡辗湛謪斩铡诈榨謤诈 諍铡湛謤斋铡謤謩崭謧诈榨铡斩 諃铡盏崭謥 缘謤崭謧战铡詹乍沾斋 鈥 Sion: Pasht艒nat鈥榚rt鈥 Patriark鈥榰t鈥榚an Hayots鈥 Erusagh膿mi (Jerusalem).
- 談铡謤铡斩铡诈铡 - Maranat鈥榓 (Maranatha) (Armenian Brotherhood Church, Aleppo, Syria)
- Forum: The Journal of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (Glendale, CA)
- 员宅斋战 - Alis (Sivas Reconstruction Union, New York, NY)
- 员謤债崭謧斋 諑铡战蘸崭謧謤铡寨铡斩 - Artsui Vaspurakan (Ardzve Vasbouragan) (Vasbouragan Association, Boston, MA and Fresno, CA)
- 猿榨謤沾铡斩斋寨 - Germanik (Kermanig) (Union of Marash Armenians, New York, NY and Boston, MA)
- 猿榨詹铡謤栅 - Geghard (Keghart) (Association Culturelle des Arm茅niens d鈥橧stanbul, Canada)
- 钥斋謧謤斋斩斋 諈崭謧辗 - Kiwrini hush (Gurini Hoosh) (Compatriotic Union of Gurin, New York, NY)
- 談斋崭謧诈斋謧斩 謯 Miut鈥iwn (Cultural Society of Armenians from Istanbul, Detroit, MI)
- 諉崭謤 员盏斩诈铡蘸 謯 Nor Aynt鈥榓p (Nor Aintab) (Union of Armenians of Aintab in Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諉崭謤 员謤铡闸寨斋謤 謯 Nor Arabkir (Arabkir Union, New York, NY, Watertown, MA and Philadelphia, PA)
- 諉崭謤 钥榨战铡謤斋铡 謯 Nor Kesaria (Society of New Caesarea, New York, NY)
- 諉崭謤 諐榨闸铡战湛斋铡 謯 Nor Sebastia (Pan Sebastia Construction Union, New York, NY)
- 諒铡謤謪斩斋 铡謤债斋謧 謯 Tar艒ni artsiw (Darony Artziv) (Patriotic Union of Daron-Dourouperan, Sophia, Bulgaria, Akron, OH, and New York, NY)
- 諑铡謤铡眨. 諍铡謤闸榨謤铡诈榨謤诈 諃铡沾铡站铡战蘸崭謧謤铡寨铡斩斋 諃铡盏謤榨斩铡寨謥铡寨铡斩 談斋崭謧诈榨铡斩 鈥 Varak: Periodical of General Society of Vasbouragan (Boston, MA, Detroit, MI, Fresno, CA, Burbank, CA and Glendale, CA)
- 圆铡謤斋 宅崭謧謤 鈥 Pari Lur (Armenian Evangelical Church, Cairo, Egypt)
- 圆铡斩闸榨謤 - Panp猫re(Armenian Evangelical Church, Marseilles)
- 圆崭謧謤铡战湛铡斩 - Burastan (Armenian Apostolic Church, Montreal)
- 约謤铡湛崭謧 - Lradoo (St. Leon Armenian Church, Fair Lawn, NJ)
- 约崭盏战 - Loys (St. James Armenian Apostolic Church, Watertown, MA)
- 约崭盏战 - Loys (Prelacy of the Armenian Church of Canada, Montreal)
- 諃铡盏 钥. 越铡展, 諃铡盏 諘眨斩崭謧诈榨铡斩 談斋崭謧诈斋謧斩, 諃铡盏 諐斋謤湛 - Hay K. Khach鈥, Hay 艑gnut鈥榚an Miut鈥榠wn, Hay Sirt (Armenian Relief Society, Boston, MA)
- 諈崭謧辗铡謤铡謤 / 諈崭謧辗铡謤铡謤 謯 談斋崭謧诈斋謧斩 鈥 Husharar / Husharar-Miut鈥榠wn (Hoosharar) (AGBU, New York, NY)
- 諉崭謤 諊斋斩铡謤铡謤 - Nor Shinarar (AGBU, Paris)
- 諍铡謤闸榨謤铡诈榨謤诈 諃铡盏 钥铡诈崭詹斋寨乍 员占铡栈斩崭謤栅铡謤铡斩斋 謯 Parberat鈥榚rt鈥 Hay Kat鈥榦ghik膿 Ar蹋ajnordarani (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諎铡瞻铡寨斋謤 - Jahakir (Torchbearer) (St. John鈥檚 Armenian Church of Greater Detroit, Detroit, MI)
- 諐崭謧謤闸 論謤寨斋展 謯 Surb P鈥榬kich鈥 (St. Savior Armenian Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey)
- 諒铡謤榨眨斋謤謩 諍謪詹崭战 钥铡謤沾斋謤榨铡斩 站铡謤摘铡謤铡斩斋 謯 Taregirk鈥 P艒ghos Karmirean Varzharani (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諒铡謤榨眨斋謤謩 諐崭謧謤闸 論謤寨斋展 瞻斋謧铡斩栅铡斩崭謥斋 謯 Taregirk鈥 Surb P鈥榬kich鈥 hiwandanots鈥榠 (St. Savior Armenian Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey)
- 諒榨詹榨寨铡湛崭謧 謯 Teghekatu (AGBU Cyprus)
- 諒榨詹榨寨铡湛崭謧 謯 Teghekatu (AGBU Egypt)
- AMAA News (Armenian Missionary Association of America)
- Erebuni (Erepouni) (AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School, Southfield, MI)
- AGBU News (New York, NY)
- Livre-Souvenir / Yearbook (Armen-Quebec Alex Manoogian School, Montreal)
- St. Nersess Armenian Seminary (Armonk, NY)
- 员战蘸铡謤乍咋 - Asbarez (Fresno, CA and Los Angeles, CA)
- 员咋栅铡寨 - Aztag daily (Beirut, Lebanon) (Complete set, from the first issue, published on May 3, 1927, until the last issue of 2017, published on December 30th, is available on DVDs)
- 员蘸铡眨铡盏 - Abaka (Montreal, Canada)
- 猿崭盏铡沾铡謤湛 - Koyamard (Baghdad, Iraq) (Complete set, 1948-1958, is available on a DVD)
- 缘謤斋湛铡战铡謤栅 諃铡盏铡战湛铡斩 謯 Eritassard Hayastan (Boston, MA, New York, NY, and Chicago, IL)
- 諃铡盏铡战湛铡斩斋 钥崭展斩铡寨 - Hayasdani Gotchnak (New York, NY)
- 諃铡盏謤榨斩斋謩 謪謤铡诈榨謤诈 - Hayrenik鈥 艒rat鈥榚rt鈥 (Boston, Watertown, MA)
- 諃铡盏謤榨斩斋謩斋 毡铡盏斩 - Hayrenik鈥榠 Dzayn (Yerevan, Armenia)
- 諃崭謤斋咋崭斩 - Horizon (Montreal, Canada)
- 談铡战斋战 - Masis (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 談铡战斋战 - Massis (Pasadena, CA)
- 諍铡盏謩铡謤 - Baikar (Watertown, MA)
- 諐謨斋謧占謩 - Sp鈥榠wrk鈥 (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諐崭站榨湛铡寨铡斩 諃铡盏铡战湛铡斩 - Sovetakan Hayastan (Yerevan, Armenia)
- 諉崭謤 寨榨铡斩謩 - Nor Gyank (Beirut, Lebanon and Glendale, CA)
- 諉铡盏斋謤斋 - Nayiri (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諉崭謤 諘謤 - Nor Or (Altadena, CA)
- 諎铡瞻铡寨斋謤 - Jahakir (Cairo, Egypt)
- Armenian Observer (Hollywood, CA)
- California Courier (Glendale, CA)
- The Armenian Mirror-Spectator (Watertown, MA)
- The Hayrenik Weekly, The Armenian Weekly (Boston, MA)
- Armenian International Women鈥檚 Association (AIWA)
- American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT)
- Armenian Philatelic Association
- Association internationale des etudes arm茅niennes (AIEA)
- Center for Armenian Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)
- Society for Armenian Studies (SAS)
- The Knights of Vartan (KoV)
- 猿斋湛崭謧诈盏崭謧斩 謬 湛榨窄斩斋寨铡 鈥 Gitut鈥榶un ev Tekhnika (Yerevan, Armenia)
- 缘謤斋湛铡战铡謤栅 諃铡盏崭謧瞻斋 謯 Eritasard Hayuhi (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諃铡沾铡盏斩铡蘸铡湛寨榨謤 - Hayamnapatker (Los Angeles, CA)
- 諃铡盏 愿斩湛铡斩斋謩 謯 Hay 臍ntanik (Venice, Italy)
- 諃铡盏 圆崭盏摘 鈥 Hay Pooj (Glendale CA)
- 諃铡盏 圆崭盏摘 鈥 Hay Pouj (Paris, France)
- 諃铡盏铡战湛铡斩斋&苍产蝉辫;铡辗窄铡湛铡站崭謤崭謧瞻斋&苍产蝉辫;-&苍产蝉辫;贬补测补蝉迟补苍颈&苍产蝉辫;补蝉丑办丑补迟补惫辞谤耻丑颈&苍产蝉辫;(Yerevan, Armenia)
- 圆摘斋辗寨 謯 Bzhishk (Beirut, Lebanon)
- 諍铡謤湛乍咋 謯 Bardez (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Armenish-Deutche Korrespndenz (ADK) (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
- Armenia Today (Yerevan, Armenia)
- Armenian International Magazine (Los Angeles, CA)
- Fund for Armenian Relief (New York, NY)