New Student Information

CECS Online Course Information

Following is information about accessing your CECS Online course.  It is important that you review this information carefully and complete any required forms as soon as possible.

Minimum Technical Requirements

All CECS students enrolled in online courses are expected to:

  • Have regular access to a computer with a high speed internet connection.
  • Have regular access to a scanner to scan and submit assignments through Canvas.
  • Have regular access to a webcam for participation in online group meetings and presentations.
  • Have regular access to a microphone (preferably with a headset) for participation in online group meetings and presentations.
  • Regularly read email
  • Please review the complete list of technical requirements.

Online Course Access

Courses will be accessible in Canvas, the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn campus learning management system, on the first day of the semester.  Some instructors may not post content on the actual first day of their course.  You will need your University of Michigan credentials to log in - they are the same as your email credentials.

If you have any difficulty accessing your course, please contact [email protected].

Lecture Media

All CECS Online courses are recorded and delivered asynchronously. Lectures are captured using Mediasite by Sonic Foundry.   Look for the lecture videos in the Mediasite Channel or in other Canvas course locations specified by your instructor.  Lectures may be streamed or downloaded (with instructor permission).  A high-speed internet connection is required for successful viewing.


Textbooks for web-based courses may be purchased from the . The bookstore can be reached at 1-313-593-5551. Textbooks may also be available from other vendors - just be sure to order the correct edition.

Examinations and Homework

All homework, assignments and assessments (exams) for online courses should be submitted to your Canvas course site.  Please consult with your instructor if you have questions about submission of work.


All University of Michigan-Dearborn students are required to maintain and routinely view email from a University of Michigan-Dearborn email address. You may forward this email to another personal or business email address of your choice, however, the student is responsible for ensuring that the forward works properly. Announcements regarding courses, 蹤獲扦-Dearborn general announcements, registration and student accounting information will all be sent to your 蹤獲扦-Dearborn email address. To learn how to forward your email, visit the ITS website.

CECS Online

2000 - Professional Education Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128