Lab Facilities
College of Engineering and Computer Science students use the local area network of over two hundred Pentium PCs and Unix computers as well as the large Sun workstation network and the computer-aided design laboratories. Students have remote access to selected computer facilities 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. For additional laboratories used by students as part of their undergraduate CECS course work, please see the list below.
ECE Teaching Labs
Room: 1027 ELB
The ECE Circuits Laboratory is a designated room used to teach electric circuits and electronics courses. This laboratory meets the instructional needs of the EE program with regard to courses in circuits, electronics and power electronics. This lab is capable of handling 24 students with 2 students assigned to one of 12 stations. Pspice and other software are available on Apps Anywhere for students to use on their own computers. LCR meters and other equipment are available in the circuits overflow lab in 3026 ELB.
Number of Stations: 12 (up to 24 students)
Courses: ECE 210, ECE 305, ECE 311, Senior Design
Major Equipment and Supplies: Each station has:
- Keithley Triple Power Supply – Model 2231A-30-3
- Tektronix DSO Oscilloscope – Model TBS 2000 – 100 Mhz Bandwidth
- Tektronix Arbitrary Function Generator – Model AFG1062
- Tektronix Digital Multimeter – Model DMM4020 – 51/2 Digits
- Bread board
The lab also has various cables for use with test equipment, small hand tools, and storage bins.
Laboratory Availability: The lab opens 7am - 8pm, Monday through Friday. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department.
Special Requirement: None.
Room: 2026 ELB
This laboratory specializes in student projects involving multimedia and mobile technologies. In terms of multimedia, the lab provides equipment for acquiring editing, and processing high quality audio, image, and video data, as well as 3D computer graphics. In terms of mobile technology, the lab provides development environments for the most popular platforms and devices, such as iPhone and iPad, Android, and Windows Phone.
Number of Stations: 24 (up to 24 students)
Courses: ECE 270, ECE 370, general use
Major Equipment and Supplies:
Each station has:
1- HP Compaq 22” Monitor – Model LA2206X
1- HP Prodesk 600 G1 SFF Computer -17 4790 @3.60 Ghz Processor, 238GB Hard disk, 16GB Ram
Each workstation computer has the following software installed:
- Anaconda v2 5.1.0 32-bit (Python 2.7.14)
- Android Studio v3.12
- Csound6 v6.03.2
- MATLAB 2017b and Relevant Toolboxes
- Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 Update 3
Laboratory Availability: The lab opens 7am - 8pm, Monday through Friday. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department.
Special Requirement: None.
Room: 2034 ELB
This lab serves as an open lab for all EE and CE students, although sometimes it is used for instructional purposes and hands-on work in ECE courses. This lab has 24 computer stations. These computers are networked and have Internet access.
Number of Stations: 24 (up to 24 students)
Courses: ECE 2730, ECE 3731, ECE 375, ECE 387, ECE 467, ECE 473, ECE 475, ECE 480, ECE 4951
Major Equipment and Supplies:
Each station has:
1- Acer 20” Monitor – Model V203H
1- HP Prodesk 600 G2 MT Computer -17 6770 @3.40 Ghz Processor, 465GB Hard disk, 16GB Ram
Each workstation computer has the following software installed:
- Cadence PSpice Student 9.1
- CodeWarrior Development Studio for S12(X) V5.1
- EAGLE v7.7.0
- Keil µVision4 v4.74.0.22
- LTspice XVII
- Mathematica v10.4
- MATLAB R2017b
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016
- PSIM v10.0.5 64-bit
- Tanner Tools v2016.2 Update7
- Xilinx Design Tools Vivado HL System Edition v2017.1
- Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4
Laboratory Availability: The lab is open 8am - 8pm, Monday through Friday. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department.
Special Requirement: None.
Room: 2072 ELB
This laboratory is used for instruction in the control systems courses (ECE 460). Computers are equipped with the following software: LabVIEW, MATLAB, PSIM, PSpice Student 9.1.
Number of Stations: 12 (up to 24 students)
Courses: ECE 460
Major Equipment and Supplies: Each station consists of the following components:
- National Instrument – ELVIS Trainer
- Quansar Motor controller interface board
- 24” Monitor
- HP Prodesk 600 G1TWR Computer -17 4770 @3.40 Ghz Processor, 500GB Hard disk, 16GB Ram
Each computer has the following software installed:
- MATLAB 2016b
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016
- NI LabVIEW 2013
- PSIM 10.0.5
- PSpice Student 9.1
Laboratory Availability: The lab is open 7am - 8pm, Monday through Friday. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department.
Special Requirement: None.
Room: 3026 ELB
The overflow ECE Circuits Laboratory is a designated room used to teach electric circuits and electronics courses. This laboratory meets the instructional needs of the EE program with regard to courses in circuits, electronics and power electronics. This lab is capable of handling 24 students with 2 students assigned to each of 12 stations. Each station consists of a digital oscilloscope, digital multimeter, LCR Meter, function Generator, triple power supply, and bread board, etc.
Number of stations: 12, up to 24 students
Each station has:
- Agilent DSO Oscilloscope - Model DSO01022A
- Hameg Function Generator/LCR Meter - Model HM8030-6/HM8018
- BK Precision Sweep/Function Generator - Model 4040A
- Hameg Multimeter/Power Supply - Model HM8012/HM8040-3
Room: 3034 ELB
This laboratory is used for several courses in the curriculum: ECE 273: Digital Systems and the Microprocessor-related courses (ECE 3731, ECE 473 and ECE 4951). The laboratory is equipped with 16 Computer Stations, 16 Digital Learning Laboratory Stations Model PTL-1, and 16 Freescale MCS912C32 Microcontroller used with Freescale PBMCUSLK Student Learning Kit Project Board.
Number of Stations: 24 (up to 24 students)
Courses: ECE 273, ECE 3731, ECE 473, ECE 4951
Major Equipment and Supplies:
Each station has:
1- Acer 20” Monitor – Model V203H
1- HP Prodesk 600 G2 MT Computer -17 6770 @3.40 Ghz Processor, 465GB Hard disk, 16GB Ram
Each workstation computer (networked) has the following software installed:
- Cadence PSpice Student 9.1
- CodeWarrior Development Studio for S12(X) V5.1
- Keil µVision4 v4.74.0.22
- Logic Friday v1.1.4
- MATLAB R2017b
- Mathematica v10.4
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016
- EAGLE v7.7.0
- Tanner Tools v2016.2 Update7
- Xilinx Design Tools Vivado HL System Edition v2017.1
- Xilinix ISE Design Suite 13.4
Laboratory Availability: The lab opens 7am - 8pm, Monday through Friday. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department.
Special Requirement: None.
Room 3034 ELB
This lab is designed to provide the laboratory sections for Computer Organization (ECE375), Computer Hardware Design (ECE475) courses. This lab is used by students to perform their senior design projects, and their Master level thesis work. The lab is equipped with the-state-of-the-art design tools and Terasic DE10-Lite FPGA boards, equipment, and FPGA chips.
Courses: ECE 375, ECE 475
Number of Stations: 24 (24 students)
Major Equipment and Supplies: Each design station is equipped with:
Each station has:
1- Acer 20” Monitor – Model V203H
1- HP Prodesk 600 G2 MT Computer -17 6770 @3.40 Ghz Processor, 465GB Hard disk, 16GB Ram
Each workstation computer has the following software installed
- Spartan 3/3E FPGA board
- NEXYS 4 FPGA board
- Xilinix ISE Design Suite 13.4
FPGA chips: There are over 100 FPGA chips that students can use for their senior design projects and graduate level research.
Laboratory Availability: The lab opens 7am - 8pm, Monday through Friday. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department. Graduate students should contact Prof. Elkateeb to obtain FPGA chips and logic analyzers supply.
Special Requirement: None.
Room: 3038 ELB
The Robotics Engineering Laboratory is intended for students to design, build, and test robots. The Robotics Engineering Lab is host to all the robotics engineering core courses including ECE 3641 Robotic Manipulation, ECE 4641 Mobile Robots, ECE 4881 Robot Vision, and the capstone design class. The lab supports the teaching of a systems engineering approach for robotics with aspects of electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science as they relate to robotics. The laboratory allows students to build and program robotic systems.
Number of Stations: 4 (up to 12 students)
Courses: ECE 347, ECE 3641, ECE 4641, ECE 4881, ECE 4951
Major Equipment and Supplies:
- Omron Industrial Robot - TM5-900
- 1-TurtleBot 2
- 15-TurtleBot 3 Burgers
Laboratory Availability: Laboratory will be open during specified lab sessions each semester. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department.
Special Requirement: none
Room: 3080 ELB
This laboratory is used for teaching the fundamentals of information forensics and cybersecurity including intrusion detection, evidence acquisition, forensics analysis, evidence extraction and forensics analysis tools such as EnCase, AccessData, Sleuthkit, Autopsy, and Wireshark. This laboratory provides students with experience that will prepare for information forensics and cyberwarfare challenges. The laboratory can also be used for embedded systems development.
Number of Stations: 24 (up to 24 students)
Courses: ECE/CIS 387, ECE/CIS 467, ECE 426, ECE 427
Major Equipment and Supplies:
Each station has:
1- Acer 20” Monitor – Model V203H
1- HP Prodesk 600 G2 MT Computer -17 6770 @3.40 Ghz Processor, 465GB Hard disk, 16GB Ram
Major Equipment and Supplies: An LCD Projector and 30 workstations with the following software installed:
- Autopsy v4.5.0
- Sleuthkit v4.5
- WinHex v15.4
- MATLAB 2017b
- CodeWarrior Development Studio for S12(X) V5.1
Laboratory Availability: The lab opens 7am - 8pm, Monday through Friday. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department.
Special Requirement: None.
Room: 1035 IAVS
The electromagnetic compatibility laboratory is a designated room allocated for the purpose of teaching students the basic knowledge and techniques to study electromagnetic properties and effects. The increased use of electronic circuits for communication, computation, automation, and other uses makes it necessary to manage electromagnetic effects when these devices are operating in proximity to each other. This laboratory provides equipment to allow students to conduct experiments to test and evaluate electromagnetic compatibilities under various conditions.
Number of Stations: 4 (up to 24 students)
Courses: ECE 319, ECE 321, ECE 415
Major Equipment:
- 1 EMC Test Chamber with wave form/arbitrary function generators, Schaffner Units, CRNEL Labs Equipment, antennas, LISN, HF/VHF Transceiver, Dummy load and High Power RF Attenuators
- 5 Agilent DSO1022A 200MHz DSO
- 5 Rigol DSA815 Spectrum Analyzers 1.5Ghz
- 5 Compower SA512 Spectrum Analyzers
- 5 B&K 20MHz Function Generators
- 7 Agilent E419B Power Meters
- 4 SWR Analyzers
- 5 Credence EMC Magnetic Field Probes Major Equipment and Supplies
Laboratory Availability: The lab opens 7am - 8pm, Monday through Friday. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department.
Special Requirement: high power line
Room: 1035 IAVS
The Electrical Materials Laboratory is a designated room allocated for the purpose of teaching students basic knowledge and techniques for materials growth, characterization, and understanding. As current integrated nano-electronics circuits based on Moore’s law have approached fundamental limits, finding new materials beyond Silicon is critical for next generation nano-electronic devices. This laboratory provides state-of-the-art materials and equipment so that students will be well prepared for the future electronic and photonic materials and device engineering challenges.
Number of Stations: 5 Device Fabrication and Measurements Stations and 10 Device Simulation and Design Stations
Courses: ECE 3851
Major Equipment and Supplies:
- Equipment:
- Nanofabrication Kurt J. Lesker system
- Photon Design software
- Filmetrics thin film measurement tool
- Tanner EDA mask design software
- Horiba micro spectrometer
- Olympus microscope
- Required equipment is as follows:
- 1- Physical Electronics Model 700 Scanning Auger Nanoprobe (LS)
- Scanned probe microscopy (SPM)
- Tencor FLX 2320 Thin Film Stress Measurement System (TM)
- Focused ion beam system
- Tencor P-16 Surface Profilometer (TM)
- Cary 500i UV-Vis-NIR Dual-Beam Spectrophotometer (TM)
- Thermo Fisher FTIR6700 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (TM)
- Kaiser Optical Hololab 5000R Raman Microscope (TM)
- JEOL 6320FV Field-Emission High-resolution SEM
- PANalytical Multipurpose Diffractometer
- Sputtering or e-beam evaporator system with UHV chamber
- Floating zone furnace for high purity single crystalline materials growth
- Eight Sets of Work benches, Chairs, and Storage bins
- Projector and Large screens for display
Laboratory Availability: Laboratory opens during specified lab sessions each semester. After hour access is possible with the permission of the department.
Special Requirement: High power line (208V, 50A) and secure door lock.
The IAVS high-bay area currently houses the fabrication and assembly areas for student clubs; namely, the SAE Formula Combustion team, the SAE Formula Electric team, and the Intelligent Systems Robotics Club. The space is being reconfigured for improved utilization and for providing senior design project work and storage spaces.
Each of the student teams will have a dedicated section for work and assembly; however, fabrication is being moved to the MSEL building. Benches are being added for senior design and course projects. Additionally, tables and chairs are being added for collaborative work. 36” to 42” tall storage cabinets (lockers) will be used to divide the different zones of the round area, as shown in the figure below. The lockers will be used to store student work-in-progress with priority given to senior design teams. Enhancement to power and data will also be included in the project.
Courses: ECE 4981, ECE 4982, ECE 4983, ECE 4984, ECE 4987, ECE 4988, ENGR 100
The Manufacturing Systems Laboratory building has been updated and reconfigured to serve as a home for the professional mechanical and electronics shops as well as the student shop. The facility serves as the fabrication facility for student projects and has extended supervised work hours to ensure student safety. The building will include:
- Training and classroom area for up to 24 students with reconfigurable benches.
- Student maker space (3-D printing and rapid prototyping, welding room, wood working room.)
- Professional machine shop
- Professional electronics shop
An area set aside for student planning meetings for various projects assigned in different classes.
- 1051 ELB
- Larger area for collaborative organizational enhancement
- Large monitor for conference, and presentation
- Conference table for group meetings
- Upgraded power and data
ECE Research Labs
Room: 2381 ELB
The Information Systems, Security, and Forensics (ISSF) Laboratory is dedicated to advancing the application of mathematical and statistical methods from signal processing to the exploration of big data. Our goal is to address complex challenges in fields such as deepfake detection, disinformation detection, automotive cybersecurity, sensor data authenticity, and multimedia forensics.
With a focus on cultivating top-tier professionals, the ISSF Lab provides indispensable training in deepfake technologies, vehicle cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems protection, sensor safeguards, information security, forensic methodology, and multimedia processing.
The ISSF Lab is well-appointed with state-of-the-art equipment including high-performance computing clusters, an array of modern smartphones, various sensors, and a Ford Focus vehicle for in-depth automotive research. These resources are pivotal in equipping the next generation of experts with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
For more information, download the .
Room: 2385 ELB
Renewable energy systems have prominently been considered as a powerful weapon to fight against climate change and global warming. However, due to the uncertainties in the power generation and demand, energy storage devices play a vital role in creating flexible and trustworthy energy systems. Laboratory for Advanced Energy Storage and Application focuses on the development of next generation energy storage devices and simulation and modeling their behaviors. The lab is equipped with nano-materials synthesizing instruments such as Electrospinning Machine, Atmosphere Controlled Tube Furnace; Battery characterizing instruments such as glove box, Battery Cycler, and Impedance/gain Phase Analyzer.
For more information, download the .
Room: 3038 ELB
In the Robotic Motion Intelligence (RMI) Lab, led by Professor Alireza Mohammadi, we aspire to develop algorithms with mathematically provable performance that provide robots and autonomous vehicles with motion intelligence while moving in and/or interacting with their surroundings. One of the driving insights of our research is rooted in Moravec's paradox, which states that "it is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult-level performance on intelligence tests or playing checkers, and difficult or impossible to give them the skills of a one-year-old when it comes to perception and mobility."
For more information, download the .
The Bio-Inspired Machine Intelligence Lab at the University of Michigan-Dearborn is at the forefront of cutting-edge research in the field of robotics and autonomous intelligence. Established with a vision to integrate principles from biology and nature into machine intelligence, the lab focuses on developing innovative solutions for complex challenges in autonomous systems.
For more information, download the .
Electrical and Computer Engineering
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128