Assessment Week 2024

assessment week logo

In Fall 2018, the Campus Assessment Subcommittee and the Office of the Provost hosted the first Assessment Day. In the years since the committee's rotating members and partners across campus evolved the event from one day to multiple days of programming spread across virtual/in person and  synchronous/asynchronous opportunities to engage. Now held annually in March, Assessment Week includes workshops, presentations, and resources relating to assessment practices, current conversations, or relevant topics in assessing student learning and learning outcomes assessment. 

  • Engage in conversations about planning Program Assessment in academic programs 
  • Attend interactive sessions to explore data collected through DDC Assessment 
  • Browse through digital resources and example assessment reports 

Schedule of Synchronous Events

Click through the week to read about and register for the virtual and in person sessions during Assessment Week. A calendar view of the week is also posted below the dropdown menus.

On-demand Materials

Browse online and self-paced resources, scroll through past workshops and presentations, and explore real examples of assessments and reports from your colleagues. 

Office of the Provost

1080 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-593-5030