
We have three classrooms with one to three year olds.

Classrooms follow the Standards of Quality for Infant and Toddler Classrooms by the Michigan State Board of Education. We incorporate these standards into our classroom as we follow our Reggio-inspired philosophy of education. With our ratio of one adult for every four children, we make sure the children are constantly engaging in thought provoking activities that span curriculum areas while maintaining their safety and comfort in the classroom.

We have full day programming for the children in our classrooms. Children will be included in whole group meetings, morning snack (provided by families), small group learning, lunch (provided by families), rest time, outside/gross motor opportunities, and afternoon snack (provided by families). 

Children in our classrooms are learning how to interact with other children and adults in a school setting. Independence in self-help skills is encouraged and the children are given the opportunity to make choices and become active participants in their education.

Our Reggio Emilia inspired philosophy allows us to investigate and explore with the children on certain subjects and materials that may last days, weeks, or even months, depending on the interests of the children. These investigations are documented so the teachers can follow the thoughts and ideas of the children. We then try to build and expand on what the children know to bring them to higher levels of understanding. The documentation is shared with families.

One of the other benefits of our program is that we are part of the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn College of Education, Health, and Human Services. We have college students and the undergraduate and graduate level who spend time in our classroom. Some of the college students are mainly observing, and others are starting to teach lessons. We also have college students completing their Early Childhood Student Teaching in our classrooms. We collaborate and mentor these students so they understand what it means to work with this age group. These students are in addition to the paid staff members we have in our classroom, which allows us to have even more adult interaction in the classroom with the children.

If you are interested in our program, please contact us!

Early Childhood Education Center

Early Childhood Education Center
18501 Rotunda
Dearborn, MI 48124