Ages and Stages

You’re Invited!

University of Michigan Dearborn Early Childhood Education Center is taking part in a county wide project through Great Start Collaborative-Wayne called Help Me Grow, to ensure that children are on track with their learning and development and to provide extra activities and services that can help them excel!  We invite you to join in our efforts to give your child the very best by taking part in the use of an online developmental screening.  It only takes about 10 minutes and you will receive activities and links to community resources to help your child grow and learn!

 This project focuses on making sure your child is on track and identifying areas where additional support can be used to help them succeed.    Information gathered from your answers will be used by your child’s teacher to enhance their growth and learning and provide additional activities and/or resources for parents to use at home. 

It is important to note that your child’s specific information will not be made available to the general public.  Help Me Grow and the Great Start Collaborative-Wayne both take special care to ensure the safety of your personal information (email, address, etc.) and it will not be used for any other purpose.

If you are interested, you may also complete the .

First enter in your child’s birthdate (month, day, and year).  Next, enter in the number of months your child was premature.  If none, enter “0”.

Ages and Stages recommends that parents complete each activity with your child. That is not necessary at this time. University of Michigan Dearborn Early Childhood Education Center is asking that you respond to each question based on your current knowledge and observations of your child’s development.

Once you are sure of the answers, return to that screen and click on step 3. Next you will need to answer the demographic information for your child. Finally you will complete the screening questions on the screen.  When done, submit the screening for review. 

NOTE, you are not able to save and come back to your responses-you will need to complete the full screening at one setting.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher.

Thank you for participating in HELP ME GROW!  Following your screening submission, your child’s classroom teacher will provide you with activities and resources to support your child’s development.

Early Childhood Education Center

Early Childhood Education Center
18501 Rotunda
Dearborn, MI 48124