Room 1
Contact Information
Ms. Camardese Ms. Stevens
313-593-5424 313-593-5424
Classroom of 1 year olds
Some are just learning what it means to be at school, while other children are acting as leaders in the classroom. Each child brings something different to the classroom, and it is very neat to get to know each child and watch them grow and learn over the school year.
Our teacher assistants and staff members work in the classroom throughout the course of the week and build relationships with the children also throughout the year.
Our Reggio Emilia inspired philosophy allows us to follow the interests of the children in the classroom. Through their interests, we build investigations and explorations that last over the course of several days, weeks, or months. This allows us to continually engage the children in activities they are interested in while still incorporating different curriculum areas into our room. By focusing on small learning groups, we are making sure to incorporate several interests into the classroom throughout the semester so each child feels like a part of our classroom community.
Recently, we have investigated building with blocks, focusing on shapes, 2D and 3D representations, and equivalencies. We explored this for several months with the children, building on what they know and how we could expand on what they know to bring them to new levels of understanding. We have also recently worked with paint. How to apply paint to a brush, what size brushes to use, and making different strokes helped allow the children to have more ownership of their paintings and be in control of their brushes. It was amazing to see the transformation of their paintings throughout the investigation. We worked on color identification, shapes, vocabulary development, and motor skills throughout this exploration.
Communication between us and families happens on a constant basis through newsletters, daily conversations, email, and phone conversations. Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled twice a year, or upon request of the family or teacher. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Early Childhood Education Center
18501 Rotunda
Dearborn, MI 48124