Enrollment Options, Tuition & Fees
Toddler Enrollment
2025-2026 School Year
- Classroom Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
- Early Drop Off: 7:30 am - 8:00 am - rated at $6 / day
- Late Stay: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm - rated at $6 / half hour
Enrollment Options & Monthly Tuition (10 equal monthly payments)
- M - F 5 Full Day • $1,508.00 / month
- M/W/F 3 Full Day • $927.00 / month
- TU/TH 2 Full Day • $628.00 / month
Individual classroom schedules will vary, but you can expect to see the following components present in each of the posted routines:
- Self-Initiated Play
- Large Group Time
- Small Group Time
- Reflection
- Outdoor Time
- Learning Center Time
- Clean Up Time
- Lunch Time
- AM & PM Snack
- Rest Time
Preschool Enrollment
2025-2026 School Year
- Classroom Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
- Early Drop Off: 7:30 am - 8:00 am - rated at $6 / day
- Late Stay: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm - rated at $6 / half hour
Enrollment Options & Monthly Tuition (10 equal monthly payments)
- M - F 5 Full Days • $1,311.00 / month
- M/W/F 3 Full Days • $806.00 / month
- TU/TH 2 Full Days • $546.00 / month
Individual classroom schedules will vary, but you can expect to see the following components present in each of the posted routines:
- Self-Initiated Play
- Large Group Time
- Small Group Time
- Reflection
- Outdoor Time
- Learning Center Time
- Clean Up Time
- Lunch Time
- AM & PM Snack
- Rest Time
Kindergarten Enrollment Options
2025-2026 School Year
- Classroom Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
- Early Drop Off: 7:30 am - 8:00 am - rated at $6 / day
- Late Stay: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm - rated at $6 / half hour
Enrollment Options:
- 5 Days • $1,311.00 / Month
Individual classroom schedules will vary, but you can expect to see the following components present in each of the posted routines:
- Self-Initiated Play
- Large Group Time
- Small Group Time
- Reflection
- Outdoor Time
- Learning Center Time
- Clean Up Time
- Lunch Time
- AM & PM Snack
- Rest Time
25-26 Tuition & Fee Policies
The parent/guardian agrees to pay the tuition for the registered year, September3rd - June 19th. All other applicable fees on or before the first day of each month for the next month’s tuition. Enrolling for summer programming separately from the school year will result in additional registration fees and possible increases in tuition rate. Tuition payments are due on or before the first of each month for the next month’s tuition. i.e. payment is due August 1st for September tuition. If payment is not received in full within 5 calendar days of the due date, a $50 late payment fee will be assessed. If payment is not received prior to the next billing date, the child will not be permitted to attend until all payments are up to date.
ACH payments or personal checks returned for insufficient funds will result in a $25 insufficient funds fee and arrangements must be made to complete payment within 5 calendar days. If payment is not received after the 5 calendar days of the due date, the $50 late payment fee will be assessed.
Monthly payments might vary month to month, depending on additional charges such as extended care fees, late pick up fees, or other charges incurred during the month. Additional charges or credits will appear in the next month’s tuition statement. i.e. Additional charges occurring during the month of September will be reflected in the statement due November 1st. You will be notified of additional charges or credits in your payment 20 calendar days prior to your withdrawal. Changes in payment arrangements must be approved by the Business Manager and Site Director by the 15th day of the month for the upcoming payment.
All pre-scheduled vacations and holidays have been accounted for in the tuition. Tuition is based on confirmed enrollment, not attendance. Therefore, no credit towards tuition is provided for absences.
A non-refundable registration fee of $50, non-refundable materials fee of $150, and a non-refundable assessment fee of $50 is required for each student enrolled. Applications will NOT be accepted without these payments.
Online Payment - This is the preferred method of payment. Online payments can be made on our software system called EZ Child Track. You will need to be an enrolled family in the program to be able to gain access to this site.
Personal or cashier’s checks – Please make checks payable to the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Cash and credit cards are not accepted for tuition payments.
Sibling Discount - 5% sibling discount will be applied to the tuition with the lower annual cost.*
ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Student Discount - 15% ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn student discount is applicable for one child per family for a parent or legal guardian enrolled in 6 or more credit hours at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Faculty & Staff Discount - 10% discount is awarded to one child per family for a parent or legal guardian who is a faculty or staff member at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Center For Exceptional Families Discount - 5% discount to employee's of Beaumont Children's Center for Exceptional Families.
GSRP Grant - Free preschool through the GSRP Grant for those who qualify, please visit the GSRP Grant page to learn more information and how to qualify.
The Jack Finkelstein Memorial Scholarship Award – Priority will be given to a student family with financial need. Please visit the Scholarship page for more information and to apply.
*If a family qualifies for ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Student or ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Faculty & Staff discount and has 2 or more children in the program, the higher discount will be applied to the lower annual tuition and sibling discount will be applied to the other.
Late pick up and early drop off of children not registered for extended care presents a problem to staffing and state licensing regulations. Prior notification is required and requests will be granted based on availability as required adult-child ratios must be maintained.
Late Pick Up and Early Drop Off is considered pre-arranged if approved by the office as follows:
· Early drop off (7:30-8:00 AM) approved by 4:00 PM the day prior
· Late stay (4:00-5:30 PM) approved one hour or more prior to your scheduled pick up time
Late fees will be assessed for the following:
- Children arrive early or stay late without prior notification and approval.
1-30 Minutes Late $15 Late Fee
30-60 Minutes Late $30 Late Fee
60-90 Minutes Late $45 Late Fee
- Late fees begin if your child is not picked up by 4:00 pm.
Pick Up After 5:30 pm $3 per minute
Late fees will be in assessed starting with the first occurrence.
Parents are responsible for payment of tuition on days when the child is scheduled but does not attend.
Application Fee $50
Materials Fee $150
Assessment Fee $50
Late Payment Fee $50
ACH Insufficient Funds $25
Returned Check Fee $25
Late Pick Up 1-15 Minutes $15
Late Pick Up 16-30 Minutes $30
Late Pick Up 31-45 Minutes $45
Late Pick Up 46-60 Minutes $60
Late Pick Up 61-75 Minutes $75
Late Pick Up 76-90 Minutes $90
After Hours Late Pick Up $3/minute
ECEC Diaper Charge $1 per ECEC Diaper Used
ECEC Underwear Charge $1 per ECEC Underwear Used
If tuition installment payment dates (as agreed to on the Contract of Service) are not adhered to, the Center reserves the right to refuse continued admission to the program.
Accounts that are in arrears are subject to the center’s collection procedures. Such procedures will include use of a collection agency, the establishment of a payment arrangement, and termination of services.
As stated in the Contract Agreement, guardians are financially responsible for the entire enrollment period. Sometimes there are reasons why a family decides to withdrawal their child from our program. We hope that this decision is not made due to the program, as we would like to work with a family if there are any situations that arise.
To withdraw from the program you are required to complete a Withdrawal Petition form, accompanied by the Withdrawal Fee in the form of a cashier’s check or money order 30 days prior to the last day of attendance. The withdrawal fee amount will be one-half of each month’s tuition that remains in the contract. Tuition will continue to be assessed throughout this period. Withdrawal petitions are reviewed by the administrative committee, this committee meets bi-weekly. A response will be communicated to the family within five business days of the committee meeting. I understand that any prior year enrollment account that I have with the ECEC must be in good standing in order to complete the current year enrollment. We will also request that the family complete an exit survey prior to leaving.
Early Childhood Education Center
18501 Rotunda
Dearborn, MI 48124